Web App Development

Standing on the shoulders of giants – We help you with the knowledge from our previous projects by developing a framework.

_The Art of Web App Development

The modern world is characterized by a digital transformation that permeates all aspects of our lives. In this era of digital transformation, web applications have become an integral part of our everyday lives. Whether it’s online shopping, social interactions, or accessing information, web applications are the bridge that connects us to the digital world. If you’re interested in exploring and helping shape this exciting field, then the world of web app development is the place for you.

Web applications are software programs that are accessible through the web browser. Unlike traditional desktop applications, they require no installation and are platform-agnostic. This enables seamless use across different devices and opens up a wide range of possibilities for developers and users alike.

Webapp development isn’t just a technical skill, it’s an art form that combines creativity, technology, and user experience. We understand not only the programming, but also the needs and expectations of the users. It’s all about creating an interface that’s intuitive, offers smooth navigation, and is aesthetically pleasing at the same time.

_SmartCore – Smart as a Service

The modern world is characterized by a digital transformation that permeates all aspects of our lives. In this era of digital transformation, web applications have become an integral part of our everyday lives. Whether it’s online shopping, social interactions, or accessing information, web applications are the bridge that connects us to the digital world. If you’re interested in exploring and helping shape this exciting field, then the world of web app development is the place for you.

Web applications are software programs that are accessible through the web browser. Unlike traditional desktop applications, they require no installation and are platform-agnostic. This enables seamless use across different devices and opens up a wide range of possibilities for developers and users alike.

Webapp development isn’t just a technical skill, it’s an art form that combines creativity, technology, and user experience. We understand not only the programming, but also the needs and expectations of the users. It’s all about creating an interface that’s intuitive, offers smooth navigation, and is aesthetically pleasing at the same time.

_Create an app at a glance: From the idea to the finished app.


It all starts with your idea. Within a workshop, we define the purpose of your app and identify the problems or needs it should solve.

In order to successfully position your app, an accurate target group analysis is essential. Together with you, we identify your potential users and their preferences, habits and needs. Together, these insights help us to develop an app that is specifically tailored to your target group.

Together with you, we define the core functionalities of your app. What features are needed to solve the main problem or achieve the main goal? We prioritize these features to ensure that your app can be tried out “on the customer” as quickly as possible.

UI/UX development

An appealing and user-friendly design is of great importance. Design an intuitive user interface (UI) that makes it easy for users to use the app. We pay attention to a consistent design, color scheme and clear navigation.

Development of the app in sprints

Developing a mobile app in sprints allows the team to respond flexibly to changes, incorporate continuous feedback, and create a high-quality app in iterative steps. This approach promotes transparency, team collaboration, and continuous improvement of the development process. With you as part of the Scrum Team, we can deliver an optimal result for you.

What is Scrum?



What are the elements of Scrum?



How does Scrum work in a project?

_Scrum leads to more transparency and communication, but why is this important?

Why do we use Scrum?


Who is part of the Scrum team?


How does a sprint usually work?

Communication with you is absolutely crucial to ensure that the product being developed meets your needs. Regular updates, presentations, and discussions allow you to review progress, provide feedback, and make adjustments.

Clear communication helps to understand the requirements and expectations for your software project. Developers need to understand exactly what the application is supposed to accomplish to ensure that they implement the right features and deliver the desired results.

Software development is often a team process where different members with different skills and areas of expertise work together. Effective communication fosters collaboration, facilitates the sharing of knowledge and ideas, and allows the team to work together on a solution. As a Product Owner, you will also interact with the team and our teams will get to know you and your industry better and better. As a result, communication becomes increasingly easier.

Unclear or faulty communication can lead to misunderstandings. Clear and concise communication reduces the risk of misunderstandings and contributes to the quality and punctuality of the project. Misunderstood requirements can lead to weeks of development in the wrong direction. With regular presentations (every 2 weeks), we ensure that misunderstandings are quickly revealed.